Matías Guzmán Naranjo


I am a morphologist, typologist and corpus linguist. I got my PhD in linguistics in Leipzig and I am currently working as a computational typologist at the University of Freiburg. My dissertation was on formalizing analogy in an HPSG/CxG framework, while providing a solid computational implementation for it. In addition to quantitative morphology, I also work on HPSG and computational typology. You can find my CV here. You can write me at: mguzmann89 [at] g m a i l (.) c o m If you cite my research/write me an email: 'Guzmán Naranjo' are my two last names, 'Matías' is my given name.

You can write me at: mguzmann89 [at] g m a i l (.) c o m.

If you cite my research/write me an email: 'Guzmán Naranjo' are my two last names, 'Matías' is my given name.

Present projects

Currently (winter semester 2024-2025), I am working as a temporary professor (Vertretungsprofessor) in Tübingen. I am the principal investigator of the Emmy Noether project "Bayesian modeling of spatial typology" at the University of Freiburg. My current project centers around building computational, Bayesian models of spatial phenomena, including: language contact, spatial difussion of linguistic varieties and dialectal variation. Other research interests include: quantitative morphology, analogy and computational typology.



Dissertation Books and edited volumes Papers Book chapters Peer reviewed proceedings papers Other proceedings papers Invited Talks Conference presentations

Phd Supervision

BA Supervision
